A website designed for a pseudo-clinic I called Radiant, it functions as a full website and provide features to book appointments, manage those appointments if logged in as a staff, google reviews, etc.
A simple audio/ video downloader for Youtube. The user can download all the videos from a playlist using it's playlist link. Also capable of single file download.
A Point-Of-Sales system I made for my brother's small restaurant. Made with CustomTkinter, The buttons are updated based on the database items. Has dark and light mode.
An Ebay like auction app on which a user has the ability to post a new listing, make a bid, win a bidding, etc.
A Google search sample front-end where the user can search a query and returns a google search result. Also has Google image search, advanced search, and feeling lucky feature.
A simple social media app where users can make an account and interact with other users, they can post, like, follow other users.
A simple email app where users can send, receive and archive emails. Unread emails remain white unless opened, only then it becomes gray.
Check all my projects on Github
Check my Youtube Channel